Thursday, February 22


Label designed to launch Maria Upton's soon to be famous Chocolate Chip Banana bread. Coined MU-Nana Bread.
Cinco de Mayo 2007 was our first step out on the streets with Munana. We were invited to participate in the Flower Festival at the Cathedral. We made some home made grunge tshirts with a some spray paint and stencils. And With the Mu-nana cart we were in business.

The best part about this event was that it was small enough for us to not be over whelmed but still enough people for us to see what works and what doesn't. The samples simply sold themselves. It was really cool to see the change in people faces from the time you say would you like a sample, to the time they tracking you down and saying i need more, give me a loaf. The packaging was a little awkward at first but once we decided to bag a few at once we were well semi-well oiled machine.

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